Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New Blog Home

This little blog has been with me since 2011. It's quite daunting to say that I'm moving this blog to a new home, where it will form part of my website. I made the switch simply because it was recently an added option of my website design, and I thought it might be easier to showcase all of my work in the one place - and also easier for you to view it all! 

This blog will now become in-active, but it will stay here as a record of all of my past work. 

Please join me over at my new blog www.houseoflucie.com/diary  xx

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Canada Adventures

Today this blog hit 6000 page views! In celebration I thought I would share my photographs from a recent trip to Canada. 

I headed over to the snow at the end of February with two other Australian friends. We spent a night in Vancouver before we headed to Kelowna & up to Big White Ski Resort. It was an amazing 10 days. We met the most incredible, welcoming people, went snowboarding, drank lots of hot chocolate & spent time with our fellow australian travellers (and canadians!). The landscape was breathtaking and like nothing I've ever seen! Piles of fluffy snow covered the roofs of the wooden houses which were dotted all over the mountain, and icicles hung from the balconies - it truly was such a winter wonderland!