Last week I decided to go through a few of my old travel photographs from my world wind trip to Antartica and Argentina. I found a gems hidden amongst thousands of snaps and thought I would share them.
It is extremely hard to describe the beauty of such a magnificent frozen world. I have tried many times to explain how I felt standing in such a surreal landscape and I'm often lost for words. My photographs do not even do Antarctica justice. In the 10 days I spent there, I fell totally in love with this place, and having to leave it broke my heart. I have shared this poem many times, but it is truly the only way I could even begin to describe the beauty of the untouched, barren, wild landscape that is Antarctica.
"the sky gradually lightens to the day's one hour of twlight, shifting in invisible stages from a star-cluttered black pool to a dome of glowing indigo lying close overhead; and in that pure mere sliver of a crescent, which nevertheless illuminates very clearly the great ocean of ice rolling to the horizon in all directions, the moonlight glittering on the snow, gleaming on the ice, and all of it tinted the same vivid indigo as the sky; everything still and motionless; the clarity of the light unlike anything you've ever seen, like nothing on Earth, and you all alone in it, the only witness, the sole inhabitant of the planet it seems; and the uncanny beauty of the scene rises in you and clamps your chest tight, and your heart breaks then simply because it is squeezed so hard, because the world is so spacious and pure and beautiful, and because moments like this one are so transient-impossible to imagine beforehand, impossible to remember afterward, and never to be returned to, never ever. That's heartbreak as well, yes-happening at the very same moment you realize you've fallen in love with the place, despite all"
