Monday, November 4, 2013

Kate & Ryan

Now, I understand that a brides wedding day is the happiest day of her life, but in the time that I have been photographing weddings I don't think that I have seen a happier bride than Kate. She was grinning from ear to ear the entire day, and her groom looked pretty stoked too :)

I love all of the beautiful weddings that I get to attend and capture, and this is one that I will remember for a very, very long time. After the beautiful ceremony, Kate laughed and hugged with her bridesmaids and we took photographs with all of the family. Shortly after, I followed the bridal party out to the family home - a farm, 45 minutes drive out of town. The property was absolutely beautiful, and I photographed Kate and Ryan in the afternoon sunlight out by the fields, and down by the little creek. Guests were welcome to camp the night and many tents were set up. Little fire-pits were set up around the garden and huge wooden tables were topped with delicious food. It was such a lovely celebration.

There was a very special moment that happened that I would like to mention. Just before the reception started, all of the guests were called over to two huge wooden doors that were set up at the opening of the garden. The doors were locked and engraved, only to be opened with a tiny silver key. As Kate and Ryan opened the doors and walked through, all of the guests followed. The key was then tossed into the beautiful dense gardens at the family farm, never to be found again. Watching them open the doors to married life together was a beautiful thing to witness.

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